Start coding

Start with the basics of programming using videos and step-by-step instructions.


Connect your Calliope mini to your computer using the micro USB cable. If you have connected it correctly, the Calliope mini will appear as a new drive called MINI.
If you want to connect your Calliope mini to your smartphone or tablet, click here and see how to use Bluetooth to connect.

Write your first program and use the editors. Get to know both editors by moving the code blocks and testing them with the simulator. Watch the animation below how a flashing heart is programmed and try it out yourself.

Programming with MakeCode
Use the MakeCode editor for an intuitive first programming experience. The MakeCode Editor allows you to control Calliope mini in many ways. Either by arranging programming blocks or with JavaScript.

Start coding with makecode

Programming with OPEN ROBERTA LAB®
With Open Roberta, programming becomes child's play.
In the "Open Roberta Lab" even newcomers learn to program intuitively with the graphical programming language NEPO®!

Start coding with Open Roberta Lab

Find out how to transfer your code to the Calliope mini.

MakeCode Editor
Click on the Download button to download the program. The hex file will be saved in your download folder first. Then drag the hex file to the drive named MINI.

Click on the Download button to download the program. The hex file will be saved in your download folder first. Then drag the hex file to the drive named MINI.

To transfer the hex file directly to your Calliope mini, right-click on the download button and select the "Save file as" option. Select the MINI drive as destination folder and confirm your selection.

This file can be opened via *Projects / Import file*. "blink_heart.hex"
This file can be opened via *Edit / import program*. "blink_heart.xml"

The Calliope mini is mounted like an USB flash drive called MINI.

Test your first program and let your heart flash.

Click on the Download button to download the program. The hex file will be saved in your download folder first. Then drag the hex file to the drive named MINI.

Did something go wrong?
Here you will find the original hex file. Transfer it to your Calliope mini. "blink_heart.hex"


Here you will find a selection of great projects with the Calliope mini. Get inspired and try out the step-by-step instructions for yourself.



Here you can find the different programming environments.
Choose the editor you want to use to realize your project!



Here you will find an overview of all sensors, input and output options of the Calliope mini.
